The Bunky Bear Stuffy
While I enjoy working with stone, this project was such a delight and challenge as I'd never designed a stuffy before. Not only did I design a full size Teddy Bear, but a Scale Size as well. This was designed as a give away for children in hospitals fighting for their lives. It was such a humbling experience to be involved with Kids Beating Cancer and the founder, Margaret whose own story is so touching. Bunky was designed after her sons teddy bear, who kept him company during his difficult battle with cancer.
I designed Bunky to have natural hugging arms, a soft and playful body and floppy legs allowing for a really fun play thing. This would allow the the kids to really play with the bear and have some really fun story times.
So much love
We made lots of them. here is Margaret with the first batch of cuddles.
Cuddling crew
Ready to get out there and give some hugs.